Saturday, November 3, 2007

And for my first post...


Coffee-flavored condoms in Ethiopia! God bless FARK, forum of all that's not really newsworthy but ends up being so due to popular demand. I love how my first official post concerns condoms, AIDS, infidelity, and the church all in one fell swoop. And really, most of my commentary will come from articles gathered from FARK, because I'm just not as current as the official blog mistress.

So long article short, we've got a charity who produced coffee-flavored condoms, sells them on the cheap, all in hopes of stopping the spread of AIDS. You see, Ethiopia is apparently where coffee originated (way to go!), and they're coffee nuts there, so it would be like making beer-flavored condoms for America, or tea-flavored condoms for England, or hey, while I'm being biased, whiskey-flavored condoms for Ireland?

So we sell condoms for cheap, with a pleasing flavor, to stop the spread of a serious health issue, and keep people from unwanted pregnancies and other STDs. Why would we have an issue here? Everyone wins!

Eh, of course there's a spokesperson quoted from a church that promotes sex only after marriage that doesn't like the idea of the condoms. They're saying that it's besmirching the good name of their coffee (and I must say, macchiato is DELICIOUS, try it with caramel!). I say more power to them, people aren't going to stop having sex outside of marriage EVER. Better to give them creative, affordable options to help prevent the issues that this sex can bring about, rather than take away said options.

I do have to highlight one passage that got me:
"I hate coffee-flavoured condoms," said Tadesse Teferi, 37, a mechanic. "But I use ordinary condoms when I have sex with ladies other than my wife."

Now, not only is this guy playing the field, but I would assume he's also batting for the other team. Why would HE care what flavor the condom is? HE'S not putting it in his mouth.

...or IS he?

I'll leave you to ponder that, and also whether Mrs. Teferi reads the newspaper.

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